At Bundoora Secondary College, the individual needs of our students are paramount. We endeavour to promote a healthy, supportive and secure environment for all children.
Bundoora Secondary College has a well-defined Wellbeing/Discipline Policy, which is a comprehensive guide developed by a committee of parents, teachers and students with annual input and revision by all sections of the College community.​
Student Wellbeing Coordinator
The current Student Wellbeing Coordinator is Ms Jane Pascoe.
She is responsible for wellbeing matters within the College. She liaises with students and/or parents to:​
resolve conflicts within the College and/or from the family;
provide counselling and assistance to individuals;
assist in financial claims for Austudy, Maintenance, Conveyance Allowances and State Schools’ Relief; and
refer to outside agencies when required.
The Student Welfare Co-ordinator also holds regular discussions with the School Support Centre Psychologist and becomes involved in the Curriculum development at their appropriate levels and offers assistance to the Curriculum Co-ordinator and the Curriculum Committee.
Referrals to the Student Welfare Co-ordinator may be made by a class teacher, Team Leaders and assistants, or may be direct from a student and/or family. Students and parents are encouraged to use this facility by contacting a co-ordinator at the College.
Child Safety Standards
The Victorian Government is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and young people. The Child Safe Standards are part of the Government’s response to the Betrayal of Trust Inquiry into the handling of child abuse allegations by Religious and other Non - Government Organisations. As part of this commitment every Victorian school is implementing a range of recommendations from the report. There are 7 Child Safe standards that schools are required to meet and these are to ensure that schools are well prepared to protect children from abuse, violence and neglect.
Within Bundoora Secondary School we cover aspects of child safety through our Pastoral care program, PE/Health Curriculum and programs run by our Wellbeing staff across the curriculum. The Child Safety Standards are also referenced in our School Policies that can be found on our website at under the College Policies tab.
Also provided are two information sheets on Child Safety; one for parents and carers on Protecting Children from Abuse and one for secondary students on Feeling Safe and seeking support.
​School Nurse
In addition to the to the student services of the welfare coordinator, the school also engages the services of a school nurse who is available three days of each week. The role of the nurse is to provide health education to students in the classroom environment as well as to be a resource for students’ health concerns on an individual basis.
As with the Student Welfare Coordinator, students may approach the Nurse with issues that are of a confidential nature for advice or further action, should it be necessary.
Illness and First Aid
There is an obligation for schools to provide first aid in cases of accidents or illness that occur at the College. This first aid is administered within the limits of staff skills and expertise. It should be noted that the College does not receive funding to employ a qualified nurse for administering First Aid, nor to operate a supervised sick bay. Therefore, the sick bay facility is not equipped or supervised for extended periods. If a student is taken seriously ill or hurt, it is essential that contact can be made with a parent/guardian to arrange for the student to be collected and taken home. For this reason, it is vital that the General Office is in possession of current contact telephone numbers.
The College does not supply or administer students with drugs or medicines such as Panadol and aspirin and the like. The College does however have asthma reliever medication (Ventolin) and a spacer device. Any prescribed medication should be provided by the parents or guardians and clearly labelled with the student’s name and dosage instructions. This should be stored with the First Aid Officer in the general office.
If a student falls ill or is injured at school, the following procedure is adopted:
the student should inform the class or yard-duty teacher, who will enquire as to the nature of the illness/injury;
if appropriate, the student will be directed (or accompanied if necessary) to the First Aid Officer for administration of appropriate first aid;
if the student is unable to attend further classes that day, parents/guardians will be contacted and arrangements made for the student to go home;
in an emergency, if the parents or guardians cannot be contacted, the College will have the authority to call an ambulance, at no cost to the College, to transport the student to hospital (responsibility for the payment rests with the parents, and the College recommends membership of an Ambulance Fund if your private health insurance does not cover ambulance emergencies); and
parents should also be aware that the College does not carry sickness or accident insurance for students – this can be obtained privately if desired.
Equal Opportunity
The College Council has established Equal Opportunity, Welfare, and Integration Committees to develop policies which will ensure that access to educational programs is available to all students regardless of sex, race, nationality, politics, religion, age, disability, economic hardship or any other social or cultural factor, within the limits of health and safety.
The College will act to remove any barriers to full participation arising from any of the above factors, and to combat bigotry, intolerance and harassment. Curriculum content will encourage equality of participation in all classes.
It is the policy of the College that any child from our local community who is presented for enrolment will be admitted, subject to the educational programs and resources of the College being appropriate to provide adequately for his/her need.
The College accepts the five guiding principles of the Ministerial Review of Educational Services for the Disabled (Integration in Victorian Education):
Every child has a right to be educated in a regular school.
Non-categorisation of students.
Resources and service should, to the greatest extent possible be school-based.
Collaborative decision-making processes will be used.
That all children can learn and are entitled to be taught.
Integration Support Groups will be formed for all students with impairments, disabilities or problems in schooling, whether in full-time or part-time enrolment.
Financial Assistance – CSEF FUND
Camps, Sports and Excursion Fund
Parents who currently hold a Health Care Card are eligible for assistance with their child’s schooling with the CSEF Fund. If you are receiving any of the following benefits or pensions; age pension, invalid pension, widow’s pension, sole parent’s pension, unemployment benefits or any government assistance, you may be eligible.
New Year 7 students will also be eligible for assistance with uniform, under this fund.
A current Commonwealth Health care Card must be sighted at the office each year for this fund to apply. There is only one payment each year and it is only to be used for camps, sports and excursions.
Please contact the Student Wellbeing Coordinator or General office for more information.
State Schools’ Relief Committee
This Committee provides assistance with shoes and clothing to students in need as determined by the Principal. The committee relies entirely on donations for its income. Application for consideration should be made through the Student Welfare Co-ordinator, and will be treated in strict confidence.

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