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German at BSC

German Poetry

Germany is known as the land of ‘Dichter und Denker’ (poets and thinkers). The most famous German poet is Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. To honour the German cultural tradition of learning poems, both the Entry German class and the Level 8 German class were tasked with learning, memorising, and performing a German poem to an audience. Learning and reciting a poem to an audience builds self-confidence, presentation, and oral skills.

On August 10th four PACE 1 students participated in the North-West Regional German poetry competition: Alex Deans, Mei Dillon, Alice Gordon-Walker and Sarah Shoobridge. All students recited their poems very well with expression and accurate pronunciation.

Mei Dillon won first place in the Year 8 section and went through to the State final which took place on August 26th. The competition was held at the Austrian Club in West Heidelberg. Students from all over the state, from both government and private schools participated. The standard was very high, and the competition was tough. Although Mei did not place, BSC is very proud of her achievement!

Well done to all Entry and Level 8 German students for their rigour and resilience with learning and presenting their poem to an audience!

Gut gemacht!

Karina Jaunalksnis


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