“Wominjeka” – “Welcome” in the Woiwurrong language of the Wurundjeri people, the traditional custodians of the land on which our college rests.
The college is proud to recognise and fly the Aboriginal and the Torres Strait Islander flags, alongside the Australian flag at the entrance to our college. Acknowledgment to Country occurs regularly at school events.
The college utilises Extended Individual Learning Plans
Bundoora Secondary College embraces Aboriginal history and culture, celebrating important calendar events such as National Close the Gap Day, Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC week. Our Indigenous families are invited and encouraged to contribute to and participate in, these events and also strongly encouraged to seek representation on College Council. Our college aims to deliver Koorie education within the school, consistent with the Marrung-Aboriginal Education Plan 2016-2026.
Students and families attending the college are supported by an Indigenous Student/ Family Liaison worker, an Aboriginal Health worker from Headspace Collingwood who visits once weekly, as well as other specialised staff , where appropriate. In addition to the student’s Pathways and Learning Leader (PALL), teaching, Wellbeing, Lead and Principal staff are routinely available at the school for support. The college also has a dedicated, culturally-appropriate Koorie Room for parent meetings and student support.
The college utilises Extended Individual Learning Plans for all Indigenous students, and meets with parents and students twice yearly, in February and July to review these plans, to maximise students learning. These reviews are called Three Way Conferences. However, where necessary, parents are able to arrange additional meetings outside of these times with the Liaison worker and other school staff as required.
In addition, Bundoora Secondary College maintains a number of successful partnerships which further support our Indigenous students, including The Koorie Academy of Excellence, Melbourne Storm, Headspace and several leading Universities, all of whom provide valuable support and assistance with the transition from school to work or further education for our Koorie students .
Please feel free to call the Indigenous Student/Family Liaison Worker, Elijah Makoni, to discuss or make an appointment, regarding any of the services or assistance mentioned above, or to simply catch up for a cuppa and chat.
Discover the Bundoora Difference